2 Fantastic Kids Jerky
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Founders' Message

Hello Friends, 

We sacrifice our weekends to go help many organizations with a purpose.  Our mommy taught us since we were babies to help others. My sister and I have been feeding the homeless since we were 2 years old.  My daddy and I have shaved our heads for kids cancer research with St. Baldrick's  and raised them thousands of dollars. Our business isn't to make retailers rich.  Our mission is to create AWARENESS for many important organizations. Let us help you fundraise for your favorite organizations. Mommy always told us making people smile is our purpose in life. We know the world is a better place whether we are on the big screen, rocking on stage or fundraising.  The more smiling faces we see lets us know we made a difference to somebody's life.  Big or small, we will help them all.

- 2FantasticKids



Kids today are consuming overwhelming amounts of junk foods filled with sugar. By eating these snacks everyday, they miss out on nutrition such as protein. In our delicious jerky, rest assured your child will be receiving a hefty amount of protein. Protein in young children has been known to supplement cell and muscle growth, boost the immune system, and promote a healthy metabolism.


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